The four W.E.R.T. types

The W.E.R.T. model differentiates four W.E.R.T. types with basic underlying characteristic values and motivations. The four types are:

The (Alpha) Wolf
The (Alpha) Wolf sees him/herself as an “organiser” and “driver”. He/she is goal-focused, results-orientated and assertive. The “pack” is deployed to maintain and extend the “territory”; only the strongest are truly welcome. Otherwise, he/she is self-sufficient.
The Explorer
The Explorer views him/herself as the “conqueror of new worlds” and “trendsetter”. He/she likes to be surrounded by a loyal team, which can support his/her impulse towards the new and appreciate and support his/her enthusiasm and wealth of ideas.
The Realisation Agent
The Realisation Agent views him/herself “as solid as a rock” and secures results. He/she does not, therefore, shy away from detail. He/she creates a functioning environment and “perfect systems”. Quality and security are particularly important to him/her.
The Teamplayer
The Teamplayer sees him/herself as a partner and social link for his/her colleagues. He/she is happy to be surrounded by colleagues, who also value stable relationships and common objectives and share a desire for fairness and harmony. He/she is willing to subordinate his/her own interests for the benefit of the interest overall.